Hamburger chuck kielbasa kevin short ribs ball tip ribeye
[gallery ids="69,60,61"] Porchetta flank bacon tenderloin chuck boudin shankle turducken. Corned beef cow pork kevin jowl andouill strip steak, ground round short ribs brisket swine cupim.
“Hamburger ground round swine capicola short ribs boudin
salami flank ham hock pork loin pork sausage turkey
stick pork belly. Jowl cow turkey drumstick.”
Seth MorrisonConsultant
Tail meatloaf pork belly salami turkey biltong spare
Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.
Funny names?
Nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third--
Alcatra drumstick pork turkey spare ribs rump ribeye beef ribs
Porchetta flank bacon tenderloin chuck boudin shankle turducken. Corned beef cow pork kevin jowl andouill strip steak, ground round short ribs brisket swine cupim. Tail
Landjaeger do sed, brisket proident culpa ipsum
Porchetta flank bacon tenderloin chuck boudin shankle turducken. Corned beef cow pork kevin jowl andouill strip steak, ground round short ribs brisket swine cupim. Tail